
Displays and HMI's
The ControlStore range of HMI products is a perfect solution for your building management system (BMS). They are easy to install, simple to use, and feature a nice userface design.
Networkable Controllers
Networkable Controllers are an ideal solution for real-time monitoring and are designed to control your Building Management System. ControlStore stock a wide variety of Distech, iSMA, EasyIO and Siemens Networkable Controllers.

Power Supplies and Electrical
ControlStore has a range of controller power supplies and electrical from a range of suppliers such as Siemens and Dwyer. View our range.
A thermostat is a device that monitors the indoor temperature and automatically adjusts your heating or cooling system to maintain the desired level. ControlStore has a range of Siemens Thermostats in stock and ready for dispatch.

Stand alone controllers
ControlStore has a wide range of Siemens, Dwyer and MSR stand alone controllers that offer our customers comprehensive functionality and well-priced solutions for their control requirements.
Universal IO Modules
IO Input / Output Modules IO modules offer capability for rescaling, converting, isolating and overriding signals from BMS controllers